Rose RobertsonšŸŒ¹

Setting Up Visual Studio Code (as a primarily JS dev šŸ’»)

To me, 2018 (the year I was/am off on maternity leave) was the year that VS Code really blew up in popularity.

So although I had switched to Atom from Sublime Text a year or two earlier, I decided to switch AGAINā€¦ because no one is nearly as obsessed with Atom like they are for VS Code and since now Microsoft owns both editors, I might as well switch to the preferred child.

And since Iā€™m not working at the moment and have a bit of time during baby naps to nerd out, I got to spend a lot of time researching and getting my setup just right.

I wasnā€™t totally sure about writing this blog post because it seems a bit frivolous and self-centered to write about my setup? Especially because thereā€™s already a zillion similar posts out there already.

BUT I have decided to shut that inner voice of doubt down because:

  1. STFU mean self-talk


  1. I really enjoy reading other peopleā€™s posts about their setups. I have read a LOT of them. So obviously there are people (like me) who DO enjoy reading this kind of thing!

First up: The icon

Iā€™m not usually one to replace app icons, it just seems a bitā€¦ extreme? Like it feels more pure to stick with how the vendor intended it to be. But I really didnā€™t like the existing icon and decided to break my usual rule šŸ˜„ (actually, as you can see in the screenshot I went a bit crazy and also updated some of the Finder folders so I guess I am breaking all the rules these days.)

I ended up going with this icon by Lex Tang. It looks pretty good:

vscode icon

OK what about theme?

Iā€™ve long been a fan of Tomorrow Night Eighties in all my editors, but after many years, I thought it was probably time to try something new. Ali Spittel mentioned Dracula andā€¦ Yep, love it.


And extensions

Since Iā€™m not coding a TON right now I actually donā€™t know exactly what will prove to be most useful, but I installed the ones that seem like they make the most sense, and from the limited use Iā€™ve had with them so far, they have been great.

For writing copy, like I am right now

  • :emojisense: ā€“ Great for quickly inserting an emoji šŸ˜ I am fine with using the mac keyboard shortcut (āŒ˜^space) a lot of the time, but since I do also have some muscle memory from Slack and Github I liked the idea of having the colon syntax available to me too. (plus, is it just me or is the mac shortcut kind of buggy sometimes?)
  • Code Spell Checker ā€“ Sometimes I have typos. Itā€™s nice having an editor that notifies you of typos.

spell check

For writing code

  • ESLint ā€“ A noā€“brainer if you use ESLint in your code to have your editor autoā€“notify you of transgressions.
  • GitLens ā€“ if you use Git for version control itā€™s nice to have history and diffs displayed right in the editor. Some people LOVE this feature, Iā€™ve always been slightly takeā€“itā€“orā€“leaveā€“it about it but it seems better to have it than not, overall.
  • Path IntelliSense ā€“ autocompletes filenames for you, which is especially great if you are working with large JS projects that require you to import from files.
  • React PropTypes IntelliSense ā€“ Autocomplete props when passing props around in React. Handy if you write React code, useless if you donā€™t šŸ™ƒ
  • SASS IntelliSense ā€“ I think most devs donā€™t use SASS syntax anymore, correct me if Iā€™m wrong? I rarely see it in the wild these days! But at Flow we still do and I donā€™t think weā€™ll be changing it any time soon, so itā€™s nice to have this.
  • SCSS IntelliSense ā€“ for non-Flow projects I use SCSS most of the time, so need this too!
  • VS Live Share ā€“ I havenā€™t used this yet but I saw it recommended in another blog post (which one: I have forgotten šŸ˜¢) and I liked the idea so much I decided to add it in hopes I could one day use it for pair programming.
  • VS Code Vim ā€“ I am not a hardcore vim user but I like having the shortcuts available to me sometimes. I turned off the setting to switch out of insertion mode on copy though as I found that irritating. As a non power-user of Vim I like being in insertion mode unless I explicitly esc out.

vim copy
